Ok, this might be an attention seeking headline but there is a lot of truth in it when it comes to the relationship between the design of websites and the copy that appears on them.

The truth is whatever content you use on your website, in e-newsletters and in blogs, it all says something about you as a brand or a business. It tells your audience what you’re all about and it communicates hugely important messages about you. Without those key messages people don’t become repeat customers, they don’t come back and the definitely don’t ‘feel the love’ for the brand.

It’s human nature to be attracted by the way that something looks and it’s why businesses spend so much money on design, imagery, look and feel. But if you take a fantastic looking website and you cram it with dull, unengaging copy that says nothing about you as a business then all that design budget would have been wasted. I guess it proves our ‘terrible make up, beautiful face’ point.

These days the job of brand is so much more encompassing. Yes, it’s about how they look but it’s also about what they say, how they act, the level of service on offer and of course the finished product. All of these elements need to work as one, with the same level of consistency being delivered every single time.

If it’s true that the attention span of the average web browser is two to three paragraphs then we all need to work harder to make sure that we say we what want as early as possible, that we get our messages our there as soon as we can and most importantly that we keep hold of our audience for as long as possible … the longer they’re with us, the better the engagement (please note you’ve just finished paragraph 5 so we’re not doing bad).

Content is a hugely important a part of the mix and without it people will not trust you as a brand in the way they should. Clunky copy, badly timed rhythm and a lack of personality are all cardinal sins when it comes to copywriting and whatever you do don’t get us started on grammatical errors in website copy.

At Contented we offer a full website copywriting service where we either start from the very beginning (if it’s a new build) or we forensically look at what you already have. We then make recommendations that can be implemented quickly and effectively to re-engage with your customer and really deliver what it’s meant to.

If you are interested in what we do, just drop us a note.